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What does Twitter do?

Twitter, Inc is a global platform for public self-expression and conversation in real time. It provides a network that connects users to people, information, ideas, opinions and news. The company's services include live commentary, live connections and live conversations.

How do we take action at the Twitter level?

A few of the ways in which we might take action at the Tweet level include: Limiting Tweet visibility: Where appropriate, we will restrict the reach of Tweets that violate our policies and create a negative experience for other users by making the Tweet less discoverable on Twitter. This can include:

What actions do you take if a tweet violates Twitter rules?

Below are some of the enforcement actions that we may take. We take action at the Tweet level when a specific Tweet violates the Twitter Rules, including Tweets that share or reproduce other Tweets by posting screenshots, quote-Tweeting, or sharing Tweet URLs that violate our Rules.

How do Twitter Ads work?

When your campaign starts, it enters the Twitter Ads auction. There it will compete against other advertisers targeting the same audience. The ad will serve based on factors including the relevance of your ads to your targeted audience, and the bid you set.

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